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RG Member needs help to login

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 3464
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RG Member needs help to login

Messagepar SouthpawGuy » Jeu Oct 26, 2023 11:07 am

RG Member needs help to login

As the notification system on RG is fubared I received this message on Zikinf ( yes they do let the Irish in there ) .....

I am trying to contact an admin of the forum http://www.riffgauche.net so that someone can reactivate my account : Hamster Jovial
Impossible to reach someone when you're deactivated...
Would you please contact one of them and ask to reactivate my account ?
Many thanks in advance !

PS : here my introduction : viewtopic.php?f=15&t=12410


Is the private messaging broken now as well ?

Might just be my login but I haven't had a response by PM since July, so I am posting this message in a new thread, hope Hamster Jovial doesn't mind.

Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 4677
Enregistré le : Mar Déc 21, 2004 8:05 pm
Localisation : Maisons Alfort

Re: RG Member needs help to login

Messagepar gawaine » Jeu Oct 26, 2023 2:12 pm

I had the same issue for months, nearly lasted one full year.
Kindly fixed by Captain Bondage, and I’m grateful for this.

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 9760
Enregistré le : Lun Mai 21, 2007 6:08 pm
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Re: RG Member needs help to login

Messagepar jerico » Jeu Oct 26, 2023 3:07 pm

SouthpawGuy a écrit :RG Member needs help to login

As the notification system on RG is fubared I received this message on Zikinf ( yes they do let the Irish in there ) .....

I am trying to contact an admin of the forum http://www.riffgauche.net so that someone can reactivate my account : Hamster Jovial
Impossible to reach someone when you're deactivated...
Would you please contact one of them and ask to reactivate my account ?
Many thanks in advance !

PS : here my introduction : viewtopic.php?f=15&t=12410


Is the private messaging broken now as well ?

Might just be my login but I haven't had a response by PM since July, so I am posting this message in a new thread, hope Hamster Jovial doesn't mind.

Your free english period trial is over probably :mrgreen:
"C’est à une demi-heure d’ici. J’y suis dans dix minutes" Mr Wolf.

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Lefty acharné
Lefty acharné
Messages : 12519
Enregistré le : Mar Juin 03, 2008 1:44 pm
Localisation : Un bled médieval en sud-périgord (pléonasme)

Re: RG Member needs help to login

Messagepar captain.bondage » Jeu Oct 26, 2023 8:03 pm

When you make a modification to your account, it automatically deactivates. And the accounts activation is done by hand, because of the enourmous amount of russain bot trying to log to the forum.
I do it regurlarly, foolk does it too, but sometimes it takes a few days.

And personally don't receive the message when someone uses, via the main page, "contacter les administrateurs".
Globally, I don't have the main keys, I'm just the janitor. :mrgreen:


And it's done, by the way.
Reversed a écrit :
shadow_gallery a écrit :qu'est ce que c'est que ces attaques ad hominem. Je rentre dans du M, ma copine en met...
aucun mérite, je porte du S et je suis déja rentré plusieurs fois dans du XXL

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Hamster Jovial
Lefty Sympa
Lefty Sympa
Messages : 26
Enregistré le : Dim Juil 06, 2014 8:39 am
Localisation : Villeurbanne

Re: RG Member needs help to login

Messagepar Hamster Jovial » Jeu Oct 26, 2023 8:46 pm

Merci captain.bondage & SouthpawGuy. I'm back !!

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